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COVID-19 Vaccines – When Will I Get My Vaccine?

As of 12-31-2020, we have seen the introduction of a nationwide vaccination program utilizing mRNA vaccines to begin the process of creating 'herd immunity.' What are the challenges posed, the factors being taken into consideration by the Oregon Health Authority?…

Immerse Yourself in Nature, Even For Short Breaks

Excerpt from a recent article in The Washington Post: "In the past several months, a bevy of studies have added to a growing literature on the mental and physical benefits of spending time outdoors. That includes recent research showing that…

The Evolution of “Alternative” Care

I offer this article in response to a question asking about scientific proof that acupuncture works, despite a wealth of evidence based studies showing clear benefit. My colleague, Dr. Robert Schulman, MD, PM&R and Pain Management physician forwarded this very…

“You Are What You Eat!”

How true the old saying continues to ring true, even in the modern world of integrative medicine. As more research and clinical applications of nutritional-based therapies gain the public's attention, it has become obvious the foods we eat are playing…

Raw Sugar is no ‘healthier’ than table sugar

The following is an excerpt from an article I found of interest. I've had many patients asking "What sugar source is safe to eat?" Most agree that plant-based stevia is the least problematic, but many forms of sweeteners can be…

Boosting Your Immune System During the Winter Months

It’s that time of year, when many of us feel like targets for colds and the flu. While there may be no sure fire way of staying clear of viral infections, also known as “Wind Invasions” in Chinese medicine, there…

Why Treating Scars is Important

I wanted to share a past article about scar deactivation work I include in my practice, something many clients find extremely helpful. No matter how old the scars are, they may be candidates for scar deactivation therapies. These may include…